SuperVidel Arrived!

My SuperVidel arrived recently, but I had some problems with my hardware which caused some difficulty with the installation.  The SuperVidel has been returned to Nature for a diagnostic and possible repair.  To make a long story short, I just don't think I was careful enough when trying to install and remove the board (had to remove it several times to try and fix some issues), and some connections were broken.  Very sad for me :-(

Below is an image of the SuperVidel installed on the CT60 with the EtherNat installed on the SuperVidel.  Also the front and back of the actual SuperVidel.

IMG 1003
IMG 0989
IMG 0991

If you are trying to install or remove one of these, be very careful because the pins fit very tightly!  If you need to remove the board, use a static-safe object to gently pry upward a small amount at a time!

I'll post here again when I have some news.  I must say that Hencox and Instream of Nature have been very helpful and a pleasure to work with.  I'm sure we will get the problems sorted out and I will have good news to post here before long.  I hope to have detailed photos and reports.

If you are looking for information and updates about the SuperVidel, check out the SuperVidel section on under the CT60/CT63 area.  There is a lot of great information there.

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